Action Plans

Kids learning about watershed at fair booth

We believe people can work together for clean water and healthy habitats – for today, and for future generations


Since 1998, LTWC has completed or started work on over 100 restoration projects and held hundreds of educational events. LTWC follows a current action plan that identifies priority areas and approaches for community involvement and learning, partnerships and habitat enhancement.

LTWC’s action planning has three parts. The one-year Council Work Plan identifies the work focus and leadership for immediate actions within each area of the Strategic Plan. The Strategic Plan outlines specific strategies and measurable objectives for a 3-5 year period. The Conservation Strategy outlines watershed priorities that match with either specific factors affecting watershed heath, such as high water temperatures, or key habitat types such as oak woodland and streamside areas. This could be considered a 20-50 year view, and it’s updated every 5 years.

Western Pond Turtle Hatchling in hand

Please contact the Council if you want to talk about becoming involved. Thank you to the many volunteers, leaders, and funders currently helping to achieve the goals of the watershed council! We hope you are one of them, or will consider being one.

Full LTWC Action Plan (links to component docs listed below)