Learning & Involvement Opportunities

The Long Tom Watershed Council provides opportunitiesfamily on tour at Wild Iris Ridge for community members to come together and ask questions, learn from neighbors, and use their talents and energy to problem solve in a friendly and positive manner. Our educational opportunities foster a network of support based on trust and open communication among key stakeholders who live and work in the Long Tom Watershed. All perspectives in the watershed are viewed as a vital resource, and that is why we use consensus-based problem solving and decision making – an inclusive spirit that has encouraged participation and cooperation for more effective, long-term solutions to habitat restoration projects. One of our goals is to share knowledge and perspectives that build a common understanding about issues and conditions in the watershed. People say their involvement with the Council builds community among neighbors and bridges issue divides.

We invite anyone who is interested in learning more about the watershed and LTWC to attend one of our public meetings and project tours, which are held at least six times per year. Each public meeting features speakers who are local stakeholders, property owners, or scientific experts. Topics include watershed science and restoration, water quality, fish passage, how landowners improve habitat, and more. Tours provide an opportunity to see on-the-ground results of habitat enhancement projects and hear the “what,” “why” and “how” from project landowners.