Oak Woodland & Wet Prairie Restoration at Johnson’s

This site north of Fern Ridge off Franklin Road is along parts of the historic Coyote Creek channel, which runs parallel to the lower Long Tom River just north of Fern Ridge. Oak savanna and prairie habitats have been drastically reduced in extent and quality since the mid-1800s. One of the goals of this project was to restore these rare yet important habitat types. This project restored 20 acres of oak woodland and wet prairie, thinned smaller oak and brush from the oak savanna understory, and planted natural grasses and forbs in the upland prairie. The restored habitat represents some of the best remaining oak woodland, savanna, and wet prairie within the southern Willamette Valley.

Click here for a full project profile.

Date Implementation Complete: June 2011
Funding & Partners: Oregon Watershed Enhancement Board, U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, Art Johnson (landowner)
Cost: $149,934