New Start 1135 Authority Project Joint Press Release: Army Corps & City of Monroe

From the City of Monroe Website (here)
“”On January 27th, 2019, The City of Monroe has been awarded a Continuing Authorities Program (CAP) 1135 project to investigate ecosystem restoration on the Long Tom River at Monroe. Under the authority provided by Section 1135 of the Water Resources Development Act of 1986, the Corps may plan, design and build modifications to existing Corps projects, or areas degraded by Corps projects, to restore aquatic habitats for fish and wildlife. Projects conducted in the Southern Willamette Valley have included wetland restoration, wildlife habitat restoration, anadromous fish passage, and river restoration, sometimes with associated compatible recreation features such as walking paths and access areas. Projects must be in the public interest and cost effective for the ecosystem benefit gained and are limited to $10 million in Federal cost.””

(Click Here For Full Press Release)