
oak leaves

Around 1% of the historical oak prairie and oak savanna habitat is left in the Willamette valley. Of that remaining habitat, around 98% exists on private lands, and some of the highest quality habitat in the Willamette valley exists in the Long Tom Watershed. We work collaboratively with local private and public partners to restore and enhance these habitats, and support the restoration of culturally relevant activities and methods on this unique and valuable landscape.

Our upland projects

long tom watershed
Long Tom View
Oak Leaf artwork

What is biochar? How can it help to create a healthier watershed? Are there local resources for me to create biochar on my property?
Learn more...

Fire is an ecological value endemic to the Long Tom Watershed. Learn more about prescribed fire and the role of fire in health habitats and resilient landscapes. Learn more...

For over 10,000 generations the Long Tom was shaped by fire and the Kalapuya people. Fire is still a significant cultural and ecological value on the landscape. Learn more...


Fire Resources

Fire & Culture

Photo by Marcus Kauffman

Photo by Marcus Kauffman

Photo by Marcus Kauffman

long tom watershed
Oak Leaf artwork

Oak & prairie habitats support over 200 vertebrate species and are home to numerous rare native plants and animals. The Long Tom is home to high quality oak habitat. Click below to Learn more...

Much of the watershed's high quality habitat exists on private lands. Our work depends on thoughtful landowners doing the right thing in their back yards. We have resources to help local landowners. Learn more...

The Long Tom is home to many wet prairies, wetland & marshes and provides important habitat for a variety of unique plants and animals. Learn more...

Oak & Prairies

Private Lands Projects

Wetlands & Marshes

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Visit our Map Based Project Viewer to Browse Our Uplands Projects

Upland Program at a Glance:
776+ acres restored or enhanced

Resources for upland management

When local communities are at the heart of our upland restoration projects, the Long Tom thrives. Find our upland management resources here.