LISTEN ONLINE: Watershed Sign Honors Indigenous Peoples of the Long Tom

If you traveled to or from the Oregon coast this weekend, you might have noticed something new at Cougar Pass on Hwy 126! This watershed welcome sign is the result of a collaborative process with Dr. David G. Lewis (Grand Ronde) and honors the connections of indigenous peoples to the Long Tom Watershed. (You can read the full Press Release Here ). KLCC’s Melorie Begay did a great story and interview on the project with Dr. Lewis. Read and listen online at Additionally, you can learn more from Dr. Lewis about indigenous peoples in the Long Tom on our community page. This sign is being generously hosted by Roseburg Forest Products on their forest lands, thank you for helping to make this project happen!

A seed donation of $555 from several donors and friends of the watershed helped get this project off the ground. Total costs for project completion were just over $3500. If you’d like to give to offset the cost of this project, you can visit our donation page to give today.

We’d like to extend a huge thank you to our initial donors for their help in getting this project off the ground!
Adam Attarian, Laura Sievert, Brooke Sofferman, Monica Begley, Eric Greenwell, Ally Bugliari, Adam Duesterhaus, Amanda Schwartz, Susan Niemann, Dennis Haug, Tony Bailey, Ryan Craven, Belinda Boden, Ron Plaisted, Curt Crittenden, Andrew Martin, Carrie Hoener, Amber Wheeler, Will Kranz ,Kent Embree &  Kirstin Lynn