Lomatium Prairie Restoration & Floodplain Forest Restoration at Erickson’s

This project is restoring rare wet prairie and floodplain oak woodland habitat on a site adjacent to the Long Tom River north of Fern Ridge dam.

Only about 1% of the historical 40,000 acres of wet prairie remain in the Long Tom Watershed, and the 32 acres of wet prairie at the Erickson property has some of the largest known populations of Bradshaw’s lomatium, a rare native prairie plant. The Council is working to improve wet prairie habitat by thinning ash trees which are encroaching on the prairie and thinning smaller oaks from the floodplain oak woodland to allow for better understory plant diversity and improved wildlife habitat.

Funding & Partners: Oregon Watershed Enhancement Board, McKenzie River Trust, U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, Paula & Curtis Erickson (landowners)
Cost: $106,602